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How do I loop meditations?

You can turn on the loop function in the Meditate tab, which is perfect if you would like your meditation to be longer.

Looping means choosing to have the narration, which is the spoken portion of the meditation, repeat. If looping is not selected, the meditation will begin with background music. The background music will continue after the narration until you either pause the meditation or exit the meditation screen.

Turn on looping in the Meditate Tab:

Once you select your meditation / prayer, simply tap the "Loop" icon on the right to toggle it on or off. This will lengthen the time of the meditation and repeat the selected Course quote.

If the playbar is not shown, tap the screen to view the controls

Tap the looping icon again to turn off looping.

Please note, at this time the looping feature is only available in the Meditate tab and not in the listen section.