Leap Year Settings for Calendar Daily Lesson
Q: What happens to the Calendar Daily Lesson in a leap year?
A: In leap years, February has 29 days instead of 28. This impacts students who follow the Calendar Daily Lesson, aligning each of the 365 Course lessons with specific calendar dates.
Q: What are my options for the Calendar Daily Lesson in the ACIM Audio app?
A: You can choose between two options:
- Lesson 60 on February 29th: This allows you to maintain the flow of studying a new lesson each day, without repetition. As a result, the final lessons of the year (Lessons 361-365) will be extended by one day to cover the extra day.
- Lesson 60 on March 1st: This choice keeps your study aligned with traditional printed calendars, ensuring Lesson 60 falls on March 1st. It's ideal if you use supplementary printed materials or prefer a consistent year-to-year lesson schedule.
Q: How do I set my preference in the app?
A: Follow these steps:
- Go to in the "Profile" Tab.
- Scroll down to "Calendar Daily Lesson Settings"
- Make your selection
Q: Does this affect users doing the lessons at their own pace?
A: No, this setting is only relevant for users who start with Lesson 1 on January 1st and want to go do one lesson a day. If you're progressing through the Workbook at your own pace, you can fully ignore the leap year adjustment.